After a brief interlude, Tom King and Joëlle Jones pick back up with their insanely fun “Superfriends” storyline in the best Batman book going today. Batman #39 is promising that Wonder Woman, DC’s mightiest cross-promotional powerhouse of 2017 is joining the Dark Knight to fight an epic battle that will define – then redefine – their relationship. If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly what type of bond these two members of DC’s Trinity share together then this is apparently the place to be. And how about learning what will tear them apart? The Caped Crusader continues his quest for the one thing that has eluded him since a fateful evening as a boy: Happiness.
Every new issue of the eponymous Batman series is worth celebrating nowadays. Such might not have always been the case. But this creative team is on a hot streak of stellar stories that just might make a dent in the annals of the Bat’s history. How will people remember this run in the years and decades to come? Will everything be undone and redone again? That tends to be the nature with all status quo changes in comics. How many deaths have been nullified? Or marriages retconned? Origins updated to keep with the times? Nothing in comics feels substantive these days since they are at the editorial whims of publishers who plan to keep publishing stories about these characters long after we’ve shuffled off this mortal coil. It’s a storytelling trap. The inevitability of change is that it is constant.
How close will Catwoman and Batman come to tying the proverbial knot? Will any of Bruce’s superfriends stand in their way? Or will we get to see this relationship play out? Perhaps lasting change will come to Batman. New characters come and go. But these two have withstood over seventy-five years of writers toying with their histories. Heck, in one continuity they’ve already married, had children, and died. Perhaps the Earth-Prime is finally willing to embrace what was once old and now can be considered new again? Soon, we’ll just need something borrowed and something blue(bird?)…
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