Buffy’s 30th birthday is this Wednesday, January 19th, and to celebrate we’ll be running some specials, a costume contest, a sing-along, and a whole lotta good times.
Via Dark Horse Facebook:
To celebrate the birthday of Buffy Summers and the finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, join… fine comic book shops around the country for prizes, games, and more!
Dark Horse editor Scott Allie had this to say about the event, “It’s been a long strange ride to the end of Buffy’s 8th Season, and when we realized that her 30th birthday fell on a Wednesday, the day new comics go on sale, we realized we had to move our release date to coincide. We’re excited to celebrate this landmark occasion and hope we can gather good crowds of Buffy readers and fans together to wish her well as she heads off for Season 9, a little bit older, her head hung low . . . “
THE FP DEETS (updated from the Buffyfest blog):
Wednesday, January 19th, 2011
6 pm to 10 pm
The Fun:
6 pm – Buffy’s Birthday Party begins!
Forbidden Planet will be having amazing sales all day. All back issues (#s 1-39) of Buffy Season 8 will be $1. If you come in Whedonverse Costume, they’ll be 50 cents! In addition, issue #40 will be on sale for 50% OFF and all Buffy graphic novels will be 25% OFF.
7 pm – Costume contest! Winner to be announced on Buffyfest the following day.
8 pm – Trivia, Prizes & Fanterviews: read the issue, get the final word on Season 8
9 – 10 – “Once More, With Feeling” Sing-Along
Swing by, eat some cookies, buy some comics, do the wacky. It’ll be a time.