For those that like their D&D shifty and underhanded comes Blades in the Dark, the fantasy RPG that asks: What if everyone was a rogue?
From assassins to cultists and every kind of a shadowstalker or lockpicker in between, Blades in the Dark helps unlock methods of play that you rarely get from even the most diverse of RPGs. Plan heists or grand killings. Lie, cheat, and steal your way to glory.
With its perfectly tuned systems, Blades in the Dark is sure to satisfy tabletop fans of all kinds.
Kevin Lanigan is a writer/comedian/director living in NYC. He's the writer/star of the romantic comedy web series Doomed To You, the improv/sketch show The Puffin Publishing Podcast, and the comedy RPG show JAN: Jive Action Nerds. You can see him perform weekly with his improv team Gone Girl.
A while back, I told you about Blades in the Dark, the devilishly good RPG that boils down to “Oops, All Rogues”! And if that worked for you, allow me to excite you even further […]
Fiasco is the tabletop RPG without hours of preparation. It can be played not over months of all-day sessions, but in just a few hours. Fiasco may be the perfect RPG. In a range of […]
Tabletop RPGs are my favorite thing in gaming, which puts them high in competition for my favorite thing period. (Sorry, my girlfriend). And there is no RPG I’ve had more fun with for longer than […]
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