Hey, did you know there’s a Black Panther movie coming? No? You’ve been living in a cave in the Congo? Well, you’re in luck because there’s a new book that’ll prep you perfectly. Rise Of The Black Panther #1 claws its way onto the shelves this week. Ta-Nehisi Coates is joined by journalist Evan Narcisse to chronicle the early years of T’Challa’s ascension to the throne. Plus, you’ll learn more about the Panther legacy that inspired him to become an Avenger. There’s no substitute for a first-rate guide to get you ready for one of the most anticipated event films of 2018.
For those without a television, laptop, access to media, or who live in a bubble, let me give you a bit of setup. Wakanda is one of the most scientifically advanced countries in the Marvel Universe. And Wakanda has always kept itself isolated from Westerrn society. But as the world grows smaller and engulfs itself in war, isolation becomes impossible. Young T’Challa knows it is his destiny to become the king of this wondrous nation. His father’s brutal murder by outsiders forces him to take the mantle that he may not be ready for.
Experience never-before-seen drama from the reign of T’Chaka, the king whose death changes a nation’s history forever. Learn about the mother T’Challa never knew. See how the world learns about this wondrous nation for the first time. Will the power of the Black Panther be enough to keep his country safe? This the most exciting opportunity to bone up on Wakandan history before plopping down the cash for a front row seat in your local cinema.
New comics tying in to shows and movies are nothing new. Smart marketing dictates something comes out to capitalize across mediums. However, you might be hard pressed to find a series truly worthy of your time. Rise Of The Black Panther is shaping up to be a must-read, not just a cash grab.
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