It’s June and Before Watchmen, the controversial DC Comics event, kicks off this coming Wednesday with the debut of Minutemen #1. To mark the occasion Forbidden Planet NYC is offering three editions of the classic, original graphic novel masterpiece by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons at 40% OFF in-store and online throughout the month!
Jeff Ayers is a NYC native and the General Manager of Forbidden Planet where he has worked since 1995. Email links, stories, news, tips, gossip, secrets of the universe to: Follow him on Twitter (@jeffayers and @fpnyc) or find him on Facebook using the link below.
Our Cyborg Cyber Monday sale is LIVE! Take advantage of the savings* by shopping on our webstore at today! 35% OFF in-stock comics and graphic novels! 20% OFF just about everything else in stock! Super […]
by Chris Troy Hey there FPNYC faithful, were you aware that Forbidden Planet has a small, yet awesome gaming section? Not of the video game variety (like there’s a shortage of Gamestops in Manhattan), but […]
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
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