This week comes the latest and, maybe, the greatest Batman story arc of the last several years! Batman: Rules Of Engagement represents the high point of the Caped Crusader’s Rebirth era tales. Am I hyping it up? Yep. Does it live up to the hype? Yep. Should you set aside some sheckles to pick up this trade paperback? Yep. Is it your loss if you miss out? Yep. Am I asking too many questions in my opening salvo? Yep. Does that change the fact that this is going to be the most enjoyable Batman read of your life? Nope.
The story? Following Catwoman saying yes to the dress, Batman takes leave of Gotham City on a quest of renewal and redemption in the desert. As the couple’s trip encounters all manners of ninjas to fight and supervillains to overcome, no obstacle will be more challenging than the members of the Bat-Family. Batman: Rules Of Engagement sees the Dark Knight come face to face with each person he holds dear trying to decipher his intentions on this seemingly insane journey. Family bonds will be tested. Friendships will be redefined. The Cat and the Bat’s commitment will be threatened by their most formidable foes: Themselves.
Tom King up to this point pulls off a monumental achievement. Every story arc has improved over the last. Where I Am Gotham saw him getting his feet wet, I Am Suicide saw him settle into a rhythm. I Am Bane showcases his new take on the Caped Crusader, raising the stakes in unexpectedly personal ways. War Of Jokes And Riddles showed the depth of his handle on Batman’s corner of the DC Universe and created a modern myth many have told to others. Now, with Rules Of Engagement, Mr. King brings on the sensational Joelle Jones to create the most epic, entertaining, and character-driven story of this era. Maybe of any era in DC’s history. You think you know Batman? No, Tom King knows Batman. And Catwoman. And Superman. And…well, I won’t ruin all the surprises. Get it, read it, rave about it. Perfection’s unattainable but this comes as close as we could hope for.
Collects BATMAN #33-37 and BATMAN ANNUAL #2.
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