The story is familiar to many, if not all, of us: A young boy and his parents walk down a dark alley. A gunman emerges from the darkness up ahead. Shots momentarily light up the world. Two dead bodies are left lying. The young boy kneels over his deceased guardians. We’ve seen this told many times across many mediums, and especially in the format of comic books. Now we’ll see it again this week in Batman Creature Of The Night #1 from the master class team of Kurt Busiek and John Paul Leon. The twist is that in this world, the story’s told and there are no superheroes, super powers, or vigilantes to avenge the young boy. There’s only grief and rage. But will there be something more?
Superman: Secret Identity is one of the greatest standouts in the Man of Steel’s catalogue of stories from nearly eight decades. A kid named Clark Kent begins to exhibit abilities. And his guide to learn how to handle them are Superman comics. This new mini-series is being billed as a “spiritual companion.” There’s a lot to be excited about with this new venture from DC Comics, who seem to be using 2017 as a banner year to embrace Elseworlds tales. If they’re about Batman or the Bat-family characters at least.
There’re a ton of books focused on the Caped Crusader right now. And a lot of them are really freakin’ great. So, what’s one more if the quality is this high? With the weeks counting down until the new year there’s still time apparently for one more promising take on the Dark Knight’s mythos. Now, just why this origin story has been the most well-trodden narrative terrain in all of comicdom is an article for another time. For now, make sure to pick up Batman Creature Of The Night #1 this week when it swarms the shelves!
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