Blood, Guts, and Glory!
In case some of the people who are reading this happen to be superhero fans of the DC/Marvel persuasion, there is a series you should consider as your stepping stone into the world of Japanese […]
In case some of the people who are reading this happen to be superhero fans of the DC/Marvel persuasion, there is a series you should consider as your stepping stone into the world of Japanese […]
Obviously the book that is going to rush off the shelves this week is the second-to-last Full Metal Alchemist volume. That shouldn’t surprise anyone, but the excitement that’s building as the story dwindles to a […]
Since it is with daily frequency that I am asked about this, chances are you are one of the customers who have inquired about the whereabouts of the Sailor Moon manga at Forbidden Planet, otaku […]
Still out on my crazy adventure. A rather bold party mix of manga this week, FP faithful, and certainly something for everyone! There’s some shoujo, some shounen, and I decent peppering of yaoi on top! […]
We’re just jumping in head first like a seal into a wood chipper! Dark Horse has the Goon #35, Faith and Angel #1 and a brand new Star Wars original graphic novel called Chewbacca & […]
Hello FP otaku! You may have noticed me missing from my usual haunt upstairs in our super awesome anime loft, and that is because I am currently out on the road, dialing in news about […]
This column was going to be a huge review of Craig Thompson’s 2003 graphic novel Blankets…but there’s too many awesome comic books out this week! For those who like titles about real life, beauty, sadness, […]
So you read Death Note and you loved the poop out of it. Now you’re thirsty for more and ready to graduate into the big leagues, but reading just some other shonen title isn’t enough […]
Because I’m secretly waiting for a talking black cat to appear and tell me that I’m actually Sailor Mars, I’ve been practicing my divination skills: the spirits tell me that the next big explosion in […]
June is really proving to be quite the month for manga collecting! Another really full week is ahead of us, fellow otaku, so loosen those purse strings and get ready for excitements such as new […]
If there’s one thing that manga does best, it’s elegance. Whether it’s a high school romance or a rugged ninja fight, there is a certain grace to the style that gives even the grittiest stories […]
A-a-and we’re back, manga fools! After last week’s dryspell, the robot gods of Japan have taken pity on us and showered us with a giant pile of books to sort through this time. Among them […]
Holy comicbooks, Batman, there’s no new manga out this week! That’s okay, since so much has come out in the past few weeks, you probably need a little respite to catch up with all of […]
Manga a bit more feminine in nature seems to be the theme for this week, and whether it’s the crazy high school sci-fi hijinks of Haruhi-chan, the butt-kicking martial arts mayhem of Sumomomo Momomo, or […]
Maybe the death of TokyoPop is serving as a lesson to other publishers, but as of late, it seems as though they’re adopting a “less is more” sort of attitude. Less books, sure, but at […]
Get on your gi and tie up that obi, because this week is chockabock full of more shonen manga than your fists could ever hope to keep up with. Whether you’re out for the spirit […]
Hark! Dost thou hear the blessing of the manga gods as they shower a whopping TWENTY-EIGHT books upon our nerdy heads this week? Listen harder, then, BECAUSE IT’S HAPPENING. Seriously, there are almost too many […]
Maybe it’s because the new movie just came out on DVD, but after three consecutive weeks of Evangelion manga, I’m starting to notice a trend. Not that anyone should really be complaining about a new […]
By Shannon H Fanboys, rejoice! This week is so crazy chock-full of moe, the cute might actually kill you. So just make sure you take the proper precautions before you start reading. You have been […]
By Shannon H Not too much coming out this week, but at least everything we got is a title that is worth writing home about. First and foremost, there is volume 16 of the sci-fi […]
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