MG Destiny Gundam Build Log Part 3
One of the coolest parts of the Destiny Gundam is easily its weapons. While most of the designs towards the end of Destiny felt like total rehashes (seriously, is Legend Gundam even any different from […]
One of the coolest parts of the Destiny Gundam is easily its weapons. While most of the designs towards the end of Destiny felt like total rehashes (seriously, is Legend Gundam even any different from […]
I don’t know why, but I’m just on such a crazy Master Grade kick lately. Part of the reason I make HGUCs is because of the variety, and I’ll only do MGs of stuff that […]
I’m pretty sure it’s been made clear over the years that I’m not a very big Gundam Master Grade person. I enjoy building them and whatever, but they aren’t really my thing because they don’t […]
Well everybody, I’m back from Otakon! It was quite an awesome adventure, and definitely one of the best cons I’ve had this year, and perhaps ever. I’d say the only really detracting factor for me […]
As much as I hate to say it, Beachhead is one of those characters in G.I. Joe that never really jumped out to me. While I was more of a comic fan, the toys came […]
For reasons unknown to me, Roadblock was always one of my favorite characters in G.I. Joe. I could never really understand why—heck, he only had, what, one GOOD mold during the entire O-ring era of […]
For the G.I. Joe Retaliation line, it seems like Hasbro has been making a big push for the ninjas. You know, as if they never did that before. As a result, we’re getting all sorts […]
Well folks, it’s that time of year again. It’s time for Otakon. While all of my friends spend countless hours trying to get all their cosplays done in time, I find myself relaxing while working […]
Ah yes, it’s time for one of those kitbashes I’ve wanted to do for years. Back in 2008, I made a huge order from HobbyLinkJapan of old Gundam kits. I went for two Dodais, three […]
Note: I’m not sure if it came like this or I somehow misplaced it, but my Gurren Lagann is missing its left hip armor. I should have been paying attention. If this is a factory […]
God I love GMs. No matter how you dress them up, they’re still Gundam’s equivalent of Star Trek’s “redshirt”, but hey, they sure as hell look cool. I always feel like they get passed by […]
Also known as Zero: WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOR edition. This toy PROVES how much of a sucker I am. Yes, I bought X-1 Zero. Yes, I LOVE my X-1 Zero figure. But… but see, […]
Okay, I think I’ve made it to the last of my Gundam Unicorn Episode 4 kits; for now, at least. Of all the new releases for the episode, this one kind of bugged me. It […]
I gotta say, I’m really excited to see G.I. Joe Retaliation at the end of the month. All the trailers have been good, and everything we’ve seen and heard about it looks great. It looks […]
Like I’ve said many times before, Gundam Unicorn really opened the doors for a lot of mobile suits to get kits. But this one here is one that’s always been a bit of frustration in […]
Back in 2009, it seemed like all the toy companies were moving down to 3.75”/4” figures for the sake of cutting costs. Naturally, this made me ecstatic. Now I could have my G.I. Joes and […]
Ah Mazinger Z… why did it take me so long to finally get a good figure of you? Oh yeah, there’s way too many to choose from! You have the original Soul of Chogokin, which […]
It seems that with every recent Transformers production, there has been that one character that the fans just love. It could be based on how they are on-screen or how they’re played off in their […]
My love of MSVs is quite well-documented. As such, I love it when true MSVs (or in this case, a rejected design from the original series) end up in the HGUC line, even though the […]
Before I started working on this kit, my friend and I were discussing some of the mobile suits from Zeta Gundam just aren’t cool. Sure, everyone likes the major mecha, but what about some of […]
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