New Comics We’ll Love To Read
By Devin T. Quin We pick our favorites for various reasons. Maybe we remember an enjoyable road trip as a kid with tons of Spider-Man comic books, thus a fascination with the wacky-wall walker ever […]
By Devin T. Quin We pick our favorites for various reasons. Maybe we remember an enjoyable road trip as a kid with tons of Spider-Man comic books, thus a fascination with the wacky-wall walker ever […]
By Devin T. Quin As the internet pushes the frontiers of fantasy and concept art to greater heights it becomes increasingly more difficult to remember a world without conceptart.com, imaginefx magazine, Spectrum and deviantart.com. The […]
The 2008 Zach Snyder film “Watchmen” was an almost page by page adaptation of one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. Its minor omissions and additions to Alan Moore’s ground-breaking work were to […]
Supernatural is a television show on the CW television network which regularly airs on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm. Supernatural is about a pair of monster hunting brothers trying to stave off the apocalypse by […]
EVERY comic book is a horror comic book from the perspective of a tree. Imagine if a plant handed you a book, with brightly colored versions of super-powered plants. Not so creepy… but what if the book was printed on MULCHED UP HUMAN SKIN?! […]
Nearly a third of Marvel’s comic book characters have roots in a neighborhood of New York City known as Hell’s Kitchen. Nick Fury grew up there, as did the yarmulke sporting rock monster known as the Thing. Daredevil calls Hell’s Kitchen his home, as did Stiltman, Vermin and Ms. Lion. […]
In the world of competitive commerce there are “Good Bosses,” “Great Bosses,” and “Terrible Bosses.” THEN AGAIN, in the world of toys there are Megatron, Cobra Commander and Skeletor.
For those of you tuning in expecting a “Who would win in a fight” article I have disappointment both swift and harsh. Megatron. Those of you with slightly more on the ball, however, might have figured out where I’m going with this. […]
FIRST OFF, Galacta: Daughter of Galactus one shot is out this week by Empowered creator Adam Warren. I expect you all to buy a copy. Two copies if you can. Adam is one of the brightest talents in the biz. […]
Superman’s spit-curl, Wolverine’s muttonchops, Professor X’s chrome dome; Comic books have their fair share of iconic hairdos, but with a multitude of pan-dimensional weirdos running around in spandex and capes, it also has its fair share of hair based powers, hairy characters and even a few animals to get things REALLY hairy. […]
The countdown begins! At the time of this writing there are only SEVEN days until mattycollector.com, the online store of toy mega-giant Mattel that caters to fans and collectors puts its latest and greatest Masters of the Universe rescuplt figure on sale! […]
Good ole’ Free Comic Book Day has come and gone. What do we have to fill up the void in our hearts that it has left behind? How about this upcoming Wednesday, a day so […]
IDW Has surpassed Dark Horse and Image last week to take up the mantle of the industries third largest publisher. How things change. How did they do it? There’s no magical secret, they did the […]
There’s two businesses to Comic Books. In one, artists and writers try (And mind you I did say TRY) to draw, write and create the most amazing, spectacular sequential story they possibly can. On a monthly title, surpassing past successes can be a daunting challenge. […]
If the fine cartoonists at penny-arcade.com were going to all the trouble to have their record-breaking video game convention here on the East Coast, it would only be polite to attend, right? Forbidden Planet spared NO EXPENSE in flying me out to Boston last weekend to cover the con for the Weekly Planet. […]
by Unkie Dev Movie nerds are well aware of the upcoming deluge of summer blockbusters based on board games. To the rest of you I can only say “Yes, seriously, board games. ” Ridley Scott […]
By Devin T. Quin Thanks to the Internet we now live in a world of instant gratification, where vast fortunes and celebrity careers are launched and lost with just a few clicks of a mouse. […]
TWO important bits of information before we move on to unimportant information, i.e. my column; First of all, March 14th is Daylight Savings time. This will mean that when you lose an hour of time Saturday night on the 13th, it’s not due to binge drinking. Well, ONE of the hours you black out for won’t be because of the drinking, at least. […]
Maybe you’ve noticed the lavishly designed films by Guillermo del Toro or you’ve glimpsed the iconic red character design by creator Mike Mignola, either way you can’t be a comic book fan without having seen Hellboy.
Here’s a handy “What-What” guide to comicdom’s most celebrated devil. […]
Lloyd Kaufman. To some he’s a film god, the David to Hollywood’s Goliath providing sharp, urbane horror and comedy to a public tired of the white-washed crumbs of the mainstream cinema. To others he’s a crass schlockmyseter, a sad, self aggrandizing turd polisher who couldn’t even reach the levels of Corman or Myers as an auteur but who’s publicity eclipses them both. […]
By Unkiedev Some fairly decent stuff this week. Let’s hope the snows of Baltimore do not destroy, delay and other wise defray our comic books from getting from Diamond to our hot little hands. BOOKS […]
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