Giving The Gift of Comics
This year for Christmas, as with all years, I gave my Dad Comic Books. My family, maybe like yours, doesn’t understand me at times. Some of them try, many of them don’t. I admit I’m […]
This year for Christmas, as with all years, I gave my Dad Comic Books. My family, maybe like yours, doesn’t understand me at times. Some of them try, many of them don’t. I admit I’m […]
Robots make for crap super heroes. We want robots as friends, pets and secret lovers, but NOT as replacements to our own lives. In a medium all about projecting our own wants onto fictional characters […]
Guillermo Del Toro, the brilliant director behind Pan’s Labyrinth and the Hellboy feature films is an enigma. He loves comic books, but has no interest in working with them whatsoever. Sure, he’s adapted the Hellboy […]
Three things have happened, and where they intersect is a fascinating statement on our beloved institution, the comic book. The first is innocent enough: 1. FREE COMIC BOOK DAY COMICS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED. Many titles […]
Dark Horse has Buffy the Vampire Slayer #39 out this week, but their hottest title to hit the stands might just be Evelyn Evelyn a hard cover graphic novel from the Dresden Dolls front woman […]
Somebody killed all the good, fun, bright and new ideas in comic books. Is there anyone to save us? Holy Crap! A New Hellboy book?! Richard Corben, 70’s Heavy Metal Magazine favorite and erstwhile Hellboy […]
Slow does not describe the comic week ahead of us. Let’s get right down to the good stuff, shall we? Vamparella Master Series, (W) Mark Millar and Grant Morrison, Dynamite Press One of the best […]
Season 4.1 of the Venture Brothers is available on finer shelves across America, and no shelves are finer then the fine and venerable shelves here at the Forbidden Planet. Ask any sales associate for assistance […]
Today’s column marks an incredible anniversary for me. No, it’s not the 100th column or even the 200th. I haven’t been keeping the best records of these things, so I couldn’t really tell you how […]
The good news is I’m no longer being held prisoner by Mermen. The bad news is I’m now being held prisoner by Magma Monsters. See, I started tunneling out of my barnacled cell using a […]
Ah, the New York Comic Con. Did you have fun? I didn’t. I was trapped in a cage beneath the surface of the waves by burbling, sociopathic Mermen. YES, still. NOT going to a con […]
I write to you, dear readers, from the barnacled confines of a 6” by 4” cell made of sharp coral, tridents and kelp. Yep, you guessed it; I’ve been kidnapped by Merpeople. It seemed the […]
Cripes Dangit! I’ve been swept out to sea by a freakin’ flash flood and have NO comic books to read this week. While you’re reading DC’s Action Comics #893 this week, featuring a drag-down, messed […]
Things in my cave are GREAT, thanks! I’ve taken care of that horrible bear, found a few new non-poisonous mushrooms and even got a girlfriend …although she might just be a hallucination, a side-effect from […]
Comic books have a tragic hero to rival the heart wrenching figures of classic literature, such as Quasimodo, Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Dobby the magical house elf. Often disreguarded and certainly underrated, this comic […]
Tickets are not yet sold out for the New York Comic Con, but as sure as there’s a lame cross-title summer even in the works for both DC and Marvel this year, those tickets are […]
Buffy season 8 started out as an exciting new development in the history of comic books. Where Television had disappointed fans by ending a popular show, comic books would pick up the slack and give […]
Understanding the cryptic lexicon of comic book jargon can be like trying to rock a rhyme that is right on time, which is to say it can be tricky. Tricky. Tricky, (tricky) tricky (tricky.) […]
Here on Earth we use games of both the card and video variety to distract ourselves from the misery of our daily existence. Logically, who wants to be an unemployed barber when you can be an attractive 60th level elf woman who rides a tiger? A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, however, life was different. Games in the Star Wars universe were utilized for a variety of purposes, such as degrading droids, stealing space ships or just shooting whining farmers with lasers from a robot piñata until they learn to chillax. […]
Life, if done right, is long. It is also full of unfair twists. We start it off as mindless eating machines that get to take naps, everybody loves and wants to hold, and we get all our meals through breastfeeding. Six Flags! We end our tenure on Earth as interesting, battle scarred individuals that no one wants to talk to and who are routinely ignored for the new and unusual. Two flags. […]
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