The Clone Chores
This has been the easiest column to write of my long career…because I didn’t write it! OR DID I?! No, I did not, but my CLONE did! That’s right, in order to better multitask I […]
This has been the easiest column to write of my long career…because I didn’t write it! OR DID I?! No, I did not, but my CLONE did! That’s right, in order to better multitask I […]
Forget about elections, snow, wild tigers ripping at your face, bills, those same tigers ripping at your legs, problems with your girlfriend, problems with your boyfriend, problems with your tiger, global warming, house fires, the […]
High fives for DC! High fives for everybody! I’m high right now, and I have the emotional maturity of a five year old! What am I high on?! THIS WEEK’S COMICS! …and rabies meds. We’re […]
This past weekend I picked up a back issue for a strange little 70’s monster comic called Creatures on the Loose #13 from Marvel. WHY? Because it featured a shaggy white monstrosity in a gold […]
WHAT a party! We had such a crazy good time at our Forbidden Planet 2012 New Years party that we rocked for NOT 1, NOT 2 but 356 consecutive days straight. That’s right…when we sobered […]
Welcome to the Weekly Planet, Forbidden Planet’s in-shop (and online) newsletter! The Planet is always jam-packed with fun recommendations and product highlights, and this week WOULD be no exception t’were it not New Years Week. […]
In 1995 director Lars Von Trier, tired of the special effects and genre tropes he felt were ruining cinema, created a list of rules for filmmakers to follow in order to make superior, modern artistic […]
If you can’t find Holiday presents for your friends and family at Forbidden Planet then you’re not opening your eyes. The place is a minefield of spectacular sundries for the geek or geek-curious! Kick-ass T-shirts, […]
Sorry I wasn’t around last week…I took the week off in order to save up enough money to buy this week’s TOP TWO NOT TO BE MISSED HITS! In 1988, a few years after they […]
In 1621, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Natives of Massachusetts put aside their differences on a cold and dreary Friday in November so they could keep each other company as they waited in line to […]
No matter how hard the lefties, the pagans, the communists, the gays, and every other group I belong to tries to stop it, Christmas is still happening. Glycon knows I’ve done my part! I personally […]
I’ve awoken, cold and shivering on the floor of my cave in a pool of leaves, vomit and mouse parts. I cannot remember the last week AT ALL. The only clues I have are half […]
With the New York Comic Con behind us, what do we have to fill the thermos of our fickle attention spans? How about some choice graphic novels from this weeks new comics! DUCK TALES: RIGHTFUL […]
The New York Comic Con is this weekend, and I shall not be attending. I feel I have let myself down; and should you find yourself in the same boat, you should feel the same […]
There’s a dang great cartoonist from Canadiadiadia by the name of Jay Stephens. AMAZING stuff. You’d really have to track his work down now…he’s one of these talents who realizes there’s more money in doing […]
Back after a week off during which I dressed up as a pirate, drew silly comics, and tackled a fire in my cave. Some careless animal tried to toast pine cones in my toaster while […]
Your mom is wonderful and cool. Alternatively, so potentially is your father. I bet mommy and daddy make the most delicious (insert delicious food here) that any human being, alien, cyborg, or giraffe has ever […]
DC did it. In an industry where fighting for attention on the shelf is the key to the game, DC has rounded up the competition and painted their covers beige*. Few people are going to […]
You are in luck, my friend, as there are so many AMAZING comic books out this week that you could probably buy one at random and still get somethin’ snazzy! Still, my job as a […]
Anyone who believes in “comic books as lottery tickets,” that is to say that by purchasing collectible and significant comic books you can resell them in the future for a massive payoff, is a person […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers