U.D.’s Review-Dees
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1, Darwyn Cooke (W/A), DC When a crime is committed, the courts attempt to find a jury comprised of impartial citizens with no knowledge of the people and the events involved to […]
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1, Darwyn Cooke (W/A), DC When a crime is committed, the courts attempt to find a jury comprised of impartial citizens with no knowledge of the people and the events involved to […]
Things happen fast in the world of comics, and we fans are fickle friends to the trends. Before we can blink, the San Diego Comic Con is upon us, as is the much ballyhooed “Before […]
Empowered volume 7 cements Adam Warrens place as one of America’s most talented, and under-appreciated, comic book creators living and working today. The list of comics being written and drawn by the same hand INSIDE […]
WE INTERUPT OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED COLUMN FOR A BRIEF, FANTASTIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Adam Warren’s AMAZING good girl comic book, Empowered is back this week with volume 7! Forbidden Planet has copies of the previous volumes for […]
Aspiring comic book creators, such as myself, can often feel small and insignificant next to the wide array of talents on display in this week’s new release comics. Regular titles such as Amazing Spider-Man, Batman, […]
The Avengers movie is AWESOME, you have to go see it right now! Well, it was alright. Actually, I kinda’ didn’t like it. I know that’s strange, I mean, the director has done such impressive work, and […]
Did you get some really cool comic books for free on Free Comic Books Day? Good! BECAUSE I GOT ARRESTED FOR PUBLIC NUDITY IN A CHURCH! It’s all a big, stupid misunderstanding. There were these […]
There’s a week to go before Free Comic Book Day…a full week of dreaming, scheming, screaming and camping out at the Forbidden Planet in order to get the finest free comics this side of Andromeda. […]
This is BAD. This is worse then the time I was kidnapped by Mermen and forced to fight in gladiatorial combat against swordfish, narwhals and squid. This is worse than the time I was freakishly […]
A human being can create or perform an item or action, functional or non, and describe both the process and the result as “Art.” With such wide parameters, it would be easy to view “Art” […]
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
A few books that were, cosmically speaking, never supposed to see print will be released in the next couple of weeks, giving everybody a chance to get lucky with some amazing reads. While we’re at […]
I had a whole column planned this week about “The Complete History of Earwigs in Comics,” but as my agent pointed out, emphatically and with much passion, “Readers don’t like earwigs.” There’s no accounting for […]
NOBODY is omniscient, and we all make mistakes. Think I’m joking? WHO YA’ GOT? “God?” Is God a perfect, omniscient being that never makes mistakes? Really? You think God would’ve created life on Earth if […]
This week we will be taking a look at comic books and comic book related pieces of paper, stapled together, with colored inks depicting serial adventures featuring words and pictures. Ya’ can’t do better this […]
Comic books are the result of some Steve Rogers / Captain America level experimentations. The puny, pre-war weakling that was Daily Comic strips kept trying to be a media darling, but the big mean bully […]
BOOM! Studio’s Steed and Mrs Peel #2 may not be for everyone as it is A) Written by Grant Morrison, B) Based on semi-obscure 60’s British spy/sci-fi show “The Avengers” and frankly C) A BOOM! […]
Statistics is fun, let’s try some. 100% of you are reading this sentence….see how that works? 75% of those reading this sentence comprise 3/4ths of my readership. 12% are dying for a drop of 100 […]
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