There’s just too much comics news to keep up with. I’m still trying to unravel threads from the NYCC, and the next thing I learn is I missed out on news from the SDCC! Did […]
There’s just too much comics news to keep up with. I’m still trying to unravel threads from the NYCC, and the next thing I learn is I missed out on news from the SDCC! Did […]
New York Comic Con, like a vestigial tail, is now behind us. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones on the Con floor and know firsthand of the amazing announcements, projects and previews which […]
The New York Comic Con is BACK, ushering in the reminder that New York is the center of the publishing world. The NYCC has the BEST artists’ alley, the best small press books and the […]
NEW YORK COMIC CON EDITION! The New York Comic Con is NEXT WEEKEND, Thursday October 11th through the 14th, and once again it is completely sold out. I’m not going, and possibly you aren’t either. […]
Every character has a cycle of ups and downs, from times when they are ultra-hot and popular to times when they are forgotten, underused and unloved. Take for example this week’s reprint of DC’s Lobo: Portrait […]
Sometimes, the best way to look forward is by looking backwards through a rear-view mirror, or in other words, “Let’s talk about reprints!” THE HISTORY OF COMICS There would not be comic books without reprints. […]
Hot on the heals of the past two headline grabbing national events, I’m standing on the floor of the Comic Book National Convention in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The CBNC is just what you think it is, […]
Comic Books as we know them are now over. Too bad, really, there were some super sweet books coming out this week, such as The Goon #41, Wolverine and the X-Men #15, Before Watchmen: Minutemen […]
COMICS AND MOVIES The line between comic book continuity and Hollywood has never been thinner, and both fan communities are adding fuel to the fire! The success of The Avengers movie has cemented another five […]
There is only one significant comic book being released this week, and the title is Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1. What, why and how is this a fact? Here we go: WHO IS RORSCHACH? Walter Kovacs, […]
AT LAST IT CAN BE TOLD. We all know that the Forbidden Planet has moved. That cannot be denied. What has NOT been revealed, up till now, is the WHY. Settle down, children of all […]
There’s only three things that come out of my mouth: Spit, Carbon Dioxide, and the ever lovin’ truth. “But Unkiedev,” I hear you stammer, “ What about Vomit?” You heard it hear first, kids; Vomit […]
AH! Comic Con International, that jewel in the crown of San Diego’s summer has come and gone. Now begins the time called SDCCR 2012, or the San Diego Comic Con Recovery. Pour yourself a nice […]
San Diego Comic Con is THIS WEEK! While all of the top talents booze, schmooze and chanteuse their way through the biggest pop culture festival in America, the publishing industry that started it all will […]
The Future of comic books has arrived: SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES #2, Franco (W) Art BAltazar (W/A), DC This is everything good with comics. Bizarro is going to punch Superman. Bizarro is a’gonna’ try and punch […]
I have had MANY spectacular adventures writing about comics. I have been kidnapped by merpeople, (though they prefer the term H-2 Hombres) I have been transformed into a mummy, I have even been shrunken down […]
Unkiedev reviews the lovely Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery graphic novel from DC. […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers