To save his X-Men
Havok had to take the fall.
Dazzler is the GOAT.
To save his X-Men
Havok had to take the fall.
Dazzler is the GOAT.
The Six Million Dollar Man #1 Dynamite has been pushing this one hard with two page spreads and sending Christopher Hastings into your bedroom at night to whisper in your ear. The strange mind behind […]
Good things come to he who waits. In this case, “he” was waiting for a series of bad decisions in the X-line to right themselves. After fighting Avengers and Inhumans and their younger selves, the […]
Halloween is a hell of a thing y’all, and this year’s beer and candy diet was not the best plan. Probably should have thought that one out a bit. :: snorts a crushed-up Kit-Kat bar […]
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