By Mat K.
Okay, all of you who keep up with me and my rants and reviews, remember the other week when I was going on about how 20th Century Boys has been falling behind and why Volume 3 wasn’t out already? Well, almost as if someone at Viz actually reads these articles, here it is! That’s right this week 20th Century Boys Volume 3 By Naoki Urasawa shows up this week. But don’t blow all your energy just yet, it’s an exciting week.

It’s also a Viz Big editions week. Fushigi Yugi 2, Dragon Ball Z 4, and Rurouni Kenshin 6 Viz Bigs are all coming in. Oh, and so is the new Shojo Beat Magazine for July. And TokyoPop thinks they can play the game too putting out the first Gravitation Collection. Though if we’ve learned anything from them, it’s that they only ever do first volumes of these things. At least we can trust Viz to finish out the series.

There are also 2 premier series that have got my antennae twitching. The first of which is the Lucky Star manga by Kagami Yoshimizu. A lot of the girls out there went mad for the anime, and the mechandise we have been able to get in, and how could you not? It’s so cute. And now’s your chance to read the cuteness. Okay, and the second book coming in is the third series to release in America by Yun Kouga (creator of Earthian and Loveless), called Gestalt. The premise? Ages ago the gods were at war. One god was cast out and found refuge on an island known only as G. I shouldn’t have to tell you the artwork is pretty, but it is, and definitely worth checking out.

Finally, got some DVD news for you all. A new Samurai Champloo thin pack box set came in and it’s only $69.99 (compared to the original box set that was closer to $180). There’s also the latest volume of Darker Than Black, and D. Gray-Man. There will also be much more showing up that I can’t even conceive of while I write this on Monday afternoon. Anyways, thats all this time.
Ja Ne!