Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – READ, DAMN YOU!
In which Kevin pulls you kicking and screaming into the world of books. I have commandeered this comic book blog and am holding it hostage in the name of books. Sweet books! Glorious books! As […]
In which Kevin pulls you kicking and screaming into the world of books. I have commandeered this comic book blog and am holding it hostage in the name of books. Sweet books! Glorious books! As […]
Forbidden Planet is proud to welcome back the one and only Lloyd Kaufman, co-founder of Troma Entertainment and creator of the Toxic Avenger! Thursday February 7th from 6 to 8PM come down to Forbidden Planet […]
When our cup runneth over with too many great titles to choose from, we put together a little list of the comics you just cannot miss. West Coast Avengers #7 The most delightful superhero comic […]
Praise be! After decades in darkness, our savior has returned to show us light! Though we may have gone astray, mutantkind’s original savior has not forsaken us. Nate Grey, the X-Man, has left the X-Men […]
Cable’s motives were: Charles Soule wrote a bad comic. He brought Cyclops back.
Yo, like, man, just thought you oughtta know there’s a new Magic the Gathering set that came out only TWO DAYS AGO. Yeah, surprised me, too. I mean, I knew it was coming. But I […]
I’ve wanted to write about Gloomhaven for the whole history of this snippet column and FINALLY I CAN! Gloomhaven is back! The best and most acclaimed board game period is finally back in stock. With […]
Vita’s returning to FPNYC, this time to sign copies of the new Submerged graphic novel published by Vault Comics. Submerged TP – On the night of the biggest storm in New York City history, Elysia […]
“Cyclops is nobody’s favorite.” You or someone you know has said this. And how deeply wrong you were, oh Mayor of Wrongville. Cyclops is THE centerpiece of X-Men. An official Marvel fan poll placed him […]
Infinity Wars wiped the slate clean for the Guardians. The roster is no longer beholden to the unbelievably popular movie characters. It’s all up in the air now. Anyone could join the ragtag space crew. […]
Jean Grey did her best But still X-Man cleaned the slate. All that’s left is Scott.
Fiasco is the tabletop RPG without hours of preparation. It can be played not over months of all-day sessions, but in just a few hours. Fiasco may be the perfect RPG. In a range of […]
When our cup runneth over with too many great comics to read, we like to read, we like to highlight them with a handy buyers guide for our picks of the week. Black Widow #1 […]
Marvel’s first heroes. Captain America, Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier, the Human Torch, and Namor. The subjects of some of the greatest and most iconic stories in Marvel history reunite this week for Invaders […]
X-Man is Legion And he’s taking down our world. Armor made a ball.
For those that like their D&D shifty and underhanded comes Blades in the Dark, the fantasy RPG that asks: What if everyone was a rogue? From assassins to cultists and every kind of a shadowstalker […]
When our cup runneth over with too many great comics, we share the bounty of a robust New Comic Book Day with a list of our favorites. Here are Forbidden Planet’s picks for January 9, […]
Earth’s Mightiest Hero. A terran Air Force Pilot with the powers of a Kree Warrior. Head of Alpha Flight, friend of the X-Men, star of an upcoming megahit film. There’s lots to know about Carol […]
That’s right Forbidden Planet fans, what better way to ring in the new year than with a launch party for our fiendish friends over at Fangoria? Join us at Forbidden Planet NYC on Thursday January […]
Rogue and Gambit did the noir Mojo cast them in. He recast Gambit.
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers