Chris’ Comics: Batgirl #45
Batgirl #45 Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr, Serge Lapointe DC, $2.99 Batgirl #45 is a comic with 0 super villain punching and 100% romance and relationship-based plots. That may sound less than ideal for […]
Batgirl #45 Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr, Serge Lapointe DC, $2.99 Batgirl #45 is a comic with 0 super villain punching and 100% romance and relationship-based plots. That may sound less than ideal for […]
Bitch Planet Volume 1: Extraordinary Machine Kelly Sue Deconnick, Valentine De Landro, Robert Wilson IV, Cris Peter, Clayton Cowles Image, $9.99 When I reviewed the debut issue of Bitch Planet late last year, I made […]
Lady Killer Joelle Jones, Jamie S. Rich, Laura Allred Dark Horse, $17.99 Confession: I love it when artists are credited before writers on comics. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of books I […]
Gotham Academy #11 Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl, Msassyk, Minhjue Helen Chen, Serge Lapointe DC $2.99 As much as I loved Gotham Academy pre-Convergence break, I haven’t been as keen on the book since […]
Our first Spaz was so damn spaztastic we’re bringing you another one! Spaz Comics #2 debuted at New York Comic-Con last week, but we’ve got THE event that launches the new issue into the stratosphere. […]
New Avengers #1 Al Ewing, Gerardo Sandoval, Dono Sanchez Almara Marvel $3.99 Ever since Infinity, writer Al Ewing has been pumping out some damn fine Avengers comics for Marvel. Mighty Avengers has been constantly entertaining, […]
Sex Criminals #13 Chip Zdarsky, Chip Zdarsky, Chip Zdarsky, Matt Fraction, Image, $3.50 So it’s been awhile since I’ve talked about ol’ Sex Crimz, be it due to delays, the fact that I’ve written about […]
The Wicked & The Divine #15 Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans, Jamie McKelvie, Matthew Wilson and Clayton Cowles Image $3.50 The Wicked and the Divine has never been shy about the fact that it’s as much […]
DISCLAIMER: I will go on the record saying that I believe Chip Zdarsky is NICE MAN, but this comic was bought with my own money. Jughead #1 Chip Zdarsky, Erica Henderson Archie Comics, $3.99 Jughead […]
New York Comic Con is a thing that happened, and a thing that made me grateful I have PTO at my day job, as I did not get out of bed until 10am this morning. […]
SHILL ALERT: New York Comic Con is this week, and I’ll be there all 4 days as an attendee, which is the first time in forever. As usual, you can follow my nonsense on Twitter […]
It is a new month at Forbidden Planet and we’ve got exciting signings going on in-store this week while NYCC takes place at the Javits Center. It is a relatively light toy week though there […]
Zodiac Starforce 1 & 2 Kevina Panetta, Paulina Ganucheau, Savanna Ganucheau Dark Horse $3.99 I’ll be honest; I initially wrote off Zodiac Starforce, mostly because it really didn’t seem like my thing. I have a […]
Hey FPNYC Faithful! Today we’re going to look at Grayson Annual #2, also known as the comic that lead to a review that will definitely get me accused of being on DC’s payroll at some […]
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