Val’s Toy Chest- SDCC Wrap-Up- I Love the 80s
Hey readers, I’m back with my wrap up of the San Diego toy news I’ve shared with you over the past few weeks. This week the focus will be on ’80s properties that will have […]
Hey readers, I’m back with my wrap up of the San Diego toy news I’ve shared with you over the past few weeks. This week the focus will be on ’80s properties that will have […]
All New Hawkeye #4 Jeff Lemire, Ramon Perez, Ian Herring Marvel $3.99 Following in Hawkeye volume one’s footprints, All New Hawkeye is back after a slight delay. #BURN A reverse of the previous issue sees the […]
Spider-Woman #9 Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez, Alvardo Lopez Marvel $3.99 Javier Rodriguez is a beast y’all. I’ve been a fan of both Spider-Woman and Javier for awhile. Jessica Drew is my wife’s favorite Avenger, and […]
Uncanny X-men 35 Brian Michael Bendis, Valerio Schiti, Richard Isanove Marvel $3.99 Okay real talk (about fictional characters) time: This is a dumb comic. I realize that there has to be some suspension of belief […]
As promised in my previous column I am going to discuss the various Marvel-related toys announced at this year’s San Diego Comic Con. Hasbro, Hot Toys, Diamond Select, NECA and others will be releasing toys […]
Hawkeye #22 Matt Fraction/David Aja/Matt Hollingsworth/Chris Eliopoulos Marvel, $4.99 ::: Inspiring quote and or song lyrics tangentially related to Hawkeye’s ending goes here ::: RIGHT?!?! HOW RELEVANT IS THAT? After various delays, 2014’s hottest […]
Chad Coleman’s new graphic novel TREADWATER releases this week and Forbidden Planet NYC is proud to announce that the star of AMC’s The Walking Dead and and HBO’s The Wire will be here signing copies […]
Gotham Academy #8 Becky Cloonan. Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl, Serge Lapointe ,Michele Assarasakorn DC $2.99 I’ve been trying to make a “The Black Parade” joke for the last five minutes and nothing has materialized. NO […]
Greetings, readers! This past weekend saw the conclusion of San Diego Comic Con and while I wasn’t there, I’ve been keeping tabs on the mountain of new announcements that have been made in toyland. There […]
Starting at 5pm Forbidden Planet’ll have prizes and giveaways celebrating the kickoff of Valiant’s blockbuster event, BOOK OF DEATH #1! Prizes and giveaways include: -Rare Gold book variants of titles including Ninjak and Bloodshot Reborn […]
Saga #30 Fiona Staples/Brian K Vaughan Image $2.99 Hope y’all are ready for another 500 words of praise for Saga. It’s gotten to the point where it’s pointless to praise how good Fiona Staples and […]
Starfire #2 DC $2.99 Starfire #2 is an interesting comic. Writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are attempting to do something new with the character, which is an admirable task given how bloated […]
Who was a guest on Mike Lawrence and Jake Young’s Nerd of Mouth podcast last week? This guy. You can listen to the full episode here.
I‘ve been focusing on Funko and POP Vinyl figures in the last few columns as they’ve been issuing the most toys these past few weeks. This week is no different and we’re expecting Star Wars […]
The Wicked + The Divine #12 Kieron Gillen/ Kate Brown/ Jamie McKelvie/ Matthew Wilson Image $3.50 If you recall my past reviews for Wic + Div, I referred to Kieron Gillen as a “Bad bad […]
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7 Ryan North, Erica Henderson, Rico Renzi Marvel $3.99 Squirrel Girl #7 is here and judging from the cover, she’s in a bit of trouble. No wait, the book is […]
It’s a new month and this first week is a quiet one for new toys. There’s a couple of Dragon Ball Z figures coming in from Banpresto and a couple of POP restocks including the […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers