Troy’s Troys, But with Comics: Back, with my friend Gwen edition
DON’T CALL IT A COMEBACK! No for real, don’t, I’ve only been gone for about a week, also I may have used this joke before. Sorry for the sudden disappearance, but I had a move […]
DON’T CALL IT A COMEBACK! No for real, don’t, I’ve only been gone for about a week, also I may have used this joke before. Sorry for the sudden disappearance, but I had a move […]
Wonder Woman saved my life. When I was young (I was not little, weighing in, at my lightest, about 30 pounds heavier than I am now) I was an adopted, multi-racial, overweight child. I was […]
I did a thing on Monday! A thing being street for “Attended Toy Fair 2015 at the Javitis Center for the very first time!” in case you’re not in the know. Anywho, fun Toy Fair […]
It’s February. The month of love, l’amour, passion, romance and sweet kisses. (Editor’s note: and whips and handcuffs and bondage rope and…) I love Valentine’s Day. Well, actually I love the day after when all […]
Hey, so it looks like I’m going to Toy Fair 2015 tomorrow, thanks to a little help from my wife’s company! Meaning I’ll have FRESH photos to post on here in a few days that […]
Got a lot a going on today… Happy Valen’s Day, even if you ain’t Minbari. Forbidden Planet gift cards make for GREAT last minute Valentine’s Day gifts. For any occasion, really. Munchkin Love Shark Baby […]
Comics may be known for the BIFF! POW! ZAP! sort of dire situations our heroes face most of the time. But this week, let’s talk about the other place where heroes get hit–their hearts. (Editor’s […]
Saga #25 Brian K Vaughan/Fiona Staples Image $2.99 Yay, Saga‘s back, time for another comic to destroy me emotionally yet again! I kid, because as far as Saga goes, Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples […]
One of the nice things about comics is that the people who write and draw ’em are just as likely to show up at Forbidden Planet on a Wednesday to pick up their stack as […]
Hawkeye #21 Matt Fraction/David Aja/Matt Hollingsworth Marvel $3.99 I wanted Marvel‘s Hawkeye ongoing back more than anything. As good as Secret Avengers and Hawkeye vs Deadpool were, what Matt Fraction and David Aja ground breaking series […]
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed to March 25th, 2015. “A wonderful kinetic paean to the comics of your youth—funny and razor smart with Kirby lines like you wouldn’t believe. McGovern and Leandri kill […]
FP is super excited to announce our signing on February 18th with Sean Murphy, Klaus Janson, and Katana Collins. The signing kicks off at 6pm so be sure to get here early as this […]
The much anticipated 250th issue of Spawn finally releases tomorrow and to celebrate the occasion Forbidden Planet’s giving YOU a chance to win a FREE Spawn Resurrection poster signed by Todd McFarlane, Jon Boy and […]
I would read a book called Secret Criminals FYI. Secret Avengers #12 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matthew Wilson Marvel/$3.99 Secret Avengers #12 can be best described as “Nextwave meets True Detective“, which is the best description for […]
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