Super Stoked on SuperTrash
Last Monday when I got to work, fellow manager Justin greeted me with a “There’s a book for you coming out this week.” Which can mean one of two things… either there is actually something […]
Last Monday when I got to work, fellow manager Justin greeted me with a “There’s a book for you coming out this week.” Which can mean one of two things… either there is actually something […]
Before I start screaming about this month’s issue of Saga, I just wanted to give y’all (all 3 of you) a head’s up with what to expect over the next few weeks. Aside from weekly […]
You read right, folks. On Tuesday October 7th, Forbidden Planet will shut it’s doors at 10 p.m. and will be re-opening them at 11:30 p.m. for our signing with Scott Snyder that will start at […]
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 Jason Latour/Robbi Rodriguez/Rico Renzi Marvel $3.99 As someone who got into comics when he was younger due to Spider-Man, it’s funny how very little I actually read about the Wall-Crawler these […]
Writer Fred Van Lente and Artist Pere Perez will be joining us on October 1st at 6pm to celebrate their run on Archer & Armstrong! Number 25 marks an anniversary issue with an all-star studded […]
On October 1st Forbbidden Planet is pleased to once again have Mr. Ales Kot (Secret Avengers, Zero) as our in-store creator guest to sign copies of his brand new comic from Marvel- Bucky Barnes: Winter […]
No… Matt D is presenting a VHS screening of Furious! Video Vortex Presents Furious Wednesday September 17th 8PM Get Tickets Here… http://drafthouse.com/movies/video-vortex-furious/nyc_area Tickets only $1! Hosted by Matt Desiderio (Horror Boobs) and Mike Hunchback (Seminal […]
Ms. Marvel #8 G. Willow Wilson/Adrian Alphona/Ian Herring Marvel $2.99 Look at that cover. It is a cover that is made of 100% pure joy, as well as paper and probably some chemicals. Ms. Marvel […]
FP is pleased to announce our signing with Jorg Tittel next Saturday for his book “Ricky Rouse Has A Gun.” Jorg will be here at five to sign copies so make sure to get down […]
Here we have the more “Affordable” $3 and $4 books. Insert back in my day rant here. Legendary Star-Lord #3 Sam Humphries, Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, David Curiel Marvel, $3.99 Light Spoiler Warning: Kitty Pryde […]
Oh snap, it’s a two part review article for this week! I pulled a whopping 5 books , as well as a few trades, so expect ALL COMICS ALL THE TIME articles for the next […]
Hey y’all. I just spent the last 5 days in Atlanta, attending DragonCon and attempting to find Ludacris. I was not very successful in the later, unless Luda was disguised as an otter at the […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers