Master Grade Dual Gundam Build Log Part 1
Sometimes, I can get extremely motivated when working on kits. Usually it happens when it’s something I’m really excited to build, like the Nu Gundam ver Ka MG. Others, it’s because of what it isn’t. […]
Sometimes, I can get extremely motivated when working on kits. Usually it happens when it’s something I’m really excited to build, like the Nu Gundam ver Ka MG. Others, it’s because of what it isn’t. […]
Age of Ultron continues to improve, though it had little room to get worse. Issue six was very good, and shows what this series could be. I have to print a mild retraction: I gave […]
Great balance this week of exciting mainstream stuff, indie stuff and web stuff coming to press for the first time! DC has a few more WTF covers trickling in this week. You know, their gatefold […]
WARNING, WARNING, MONTHLY SHAMELESS PLUG APPROACHING! So SHAMELESS PLUG (I did warn y’all), this time next week I’ll be in Chicago for C2E2, which is exciting for me at the very least.C2E2 isn’t as toy-news […]
This kit, and the one I bought with it, are just a testament to horrible model kit buying habits. A few months ago, I needed some new Master Grades to build once I had my […]
Wednesday May 1st at Forbidden Planet, JOE HARRIS; writer of GREAT PACIFIC, will be in store signing copies of the first volume in this new Image comics epic. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL (is it ever…), […]
This Sunday, April 21st at Public Assembly in Williasmburg its the 2nd annual BROOKLYN ZINE FEST! Come out and support bright self publishing folks who all look like they could use a shower!
Hey FPNYC Faithful, let’s see what kind of neat stuff we got in this wee- ::: Checks out shelves :: ::: Bangs head against wall repeatedly ::: Don’t get me wrong y’all. I like talking […]
When I was younger, I had the combining Gundam/G-Fighter from the American action figure line. It was great fun, switching around the parts for all the different combinations. Sure, the figure quickly went obsolete when […]
The good old G-Fighter… an absolute testament to the era in which the original Gundam aired. Back in those days, things were even more “to sell toys” than they are now. That’s what lead to […]
Free comic book day is just three weeks away. Don’t miss the chance to get a big bag of comics for absolutely nothing.Put it in your date books, mark it on your calender, save it […]
WHERE HAS OUR DEAR SWEET TYLER GONE? HE LOOKS SO TROUBLED. I really don’t want to do this this week. This column is going to take some weird turns. Some days I don’t like writing […]
Funny story. My column ran long last week and Unkie Dev’s space got cut. Since then I have been wracked with guilt and completely unable to function in my daily life. I am overwrought with […]
So last week was my worst column yet. How do I quantify that? Well I thought it was dumb, everyone else who read it also thought it was dumb, and not many people read it. […]
Welcome back to FPNYC’s offical Bioshock blog (Blogshock? Bioblog?)!! “REAL” Bioshock fans will get the reference in the title, which only make sense if you own a TV. And continue to not comment on the […]
Okay, okay, I’ll admit… I cheated a bit here. I built a Gundam 2.0 back in 2008 when it first came out. At that point, I didn’t have an RX-78-2 on my shelf, and I […]
DC has a G’nort load of April Fool’s day covers out this week, which is to say gatefold covers that reveal hidden, unexpected plot points when you unfold them. Take for example Action Comics #19…Someone […]
With the exception of Gundam Unicorn, new Gundam merchandise in the US has been kind of rare these days, to say the least. Ever since Bandai Entertainment kicked the bucket, all DVD sales have pretty […]
New Comic Day, 4/3/13… Today’s batch is chock full’a hidden gems. What’s YOUR pick of the week?
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