The Weekly Pulse – Picard Man-Who-ver
Oh sure, we’ve got a bunch of hot new trades in this week; Batman Annual #1: Night of the Owls, Batman: Death by Design, Animal Man Annual #1. But the big news this week is: […]
Oh sure, we’ve got a bunch of hot new trades in this week; Batman Annual #1: Night of the Owls, Batman: Death by Design, Animal Man Annual #1. But the big news this week is: […]
I’d make a clever pun regarding the heat but my brain is currently a pile of mush thanks to a combination of binge drinking over the weekend and said heat. That and I’m never clever, […]
WE INTERUPT OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED COLUMN FOR A BRIEF, FANTASTIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Adam Warren’s AMAZING good girl comic book, Empowered is back this week with volume 7! Forbidden Planet has copies of the previous volumes for […]
Just a quick reminder that Forbidden Planet NYC is hosting a pretty special event this Wednesday night, folks. Artist J.K. Woodward will be in-store signing copies of Star Trek Doctor Who Assimilation #1 from 5:30 […]
It seems that with every recent Transformers production, there has been that one character that the fans just love. It could be based on how they are on-screen or how they’re played off in their […]
By Loran I’ve gone on about my love for the Jesta’s design enough times now, so I’m just gonna cut the BS: this kit is awesome. Maybe I’m just a little biased because I like […]
Tournament-ready, 75 card (60 each, with 15 card sideboards) Event Decks from Magic the Gathering’s red-hot new set Avacyn Restored are in stock NOW!!! There’s a full deck list for each after the jump:
Mold! Mooooold! We have so much Mold! On VHS and DVD. The VHS version comes with a copy of the soundtrack on vinyl! The only way this set could be MORE retro would be if […]
Aspiring comic book creators, such as myself, can often feel small and insignificant next to the wide array of talents on display in this week’s new release comics. Regular titles such as Amazing Spider-Man, Batman, […]
My love of MSVs is quite well-documented. As such, I love it when true MSVs (or in this case, a rejected design from the original series) end up in the HGUC line, even though the […]
To do/experience in NYC this Wednesday, May 23rd… Size constraints on the Daily Planet and/or your screen probably morph the above image into something Selma or Patty Bouvier might use to screw with you at […]
Before I started working on this kit, my friend and I were discussing some of the mobile suits from Zeta Gundam just aren’t cool. Sure, everyone likes the major mecha, but what about some of […]
So you can’t make it to our event but you still wanna get a copy of The Toxic Avenger VHS Big Box signed by Lloyd Kaufman… don’t sweat it FP got your back. Just check […]
VHS is alive all over! Come out and support Severed’s first VHS Convention, an all day event as part of Severed’s 3rd Annual Short Film Night! Tons of like minded film fiends will be in […]
The Avengers movie is AWESOME, you have to go see it right now! Well, it was alright. Actually, I kinda’ didn’t like it. I know that’s strange, I mean, the director has done such impressive work, and […]
Ahh, Ratchet. What a great Transformers character. Be it the original Ratchet who was [supposed to be] a crazy party animal that almost flunked out of med school, or the modern interpretation that’s more of […]
When we last talked, “The Avengers” wasn’t in theaters, and as of today, it has made ALL the money. Well at least a billion dollars worldwide. Will this mean cheaper Marvel comics for fans and […]
By Loran And once again, I find myself reviewing Megatron… I wasn’t too big on the design for Megatron in Transformers Prime originally. It just felt like a shameless rehash of his design from the […]
Forbidden Planet gets Tromatized Thursday May 24th at 7:30 PM. Toxic Tapeheads Rejoice! This killer collector’s edition VHS of the Toxic Avenger is limited to only 300 copies, comes on a nuclear green tape and […]
Comics and t-shirts! T-shirts and comics! DC has a new Batgirl, Batman and Robin, Batman, and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., plus the collected Batman Volume 1: The Court of Owls. Also, a slew of new […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers