Hello, Good Buy!
Still out on my crazy adventure. A rather bold party mix of manga this week, FP faithful, and certainly something for everyone! There’s some shoujo, some shounen, and I decent peppering of yaoi on top! […]
Still out on my crazy adventure. A rather bold party mix of manga this week, FP faithful, and certainly something for everyone! There’s some shoujo, some shounen, and I decent peppering of yaoi on top! […]
We’re just jumping in head first like a seal into a wood chipper! Dark Horse has the Goon #35, Faith and Angel #1 and a brand new Star Wars original graphic novel called Chewbacca & […]
By Loran Movie Ratchet has been kind of a weird character for me, toy-wise, ever since the first Transformers movie. I loved the look of his robot mode, and I love his… odd choice of […]
6pm Friday 9/2 at Forbidden Planet NYC Meet the creators of Vescell! Creator/Writer Enrique Carrion and Artist John “Roc” UpChurch!
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG: I wrote an article for BleedingCool covering the Capcom Fight Club from 2 weeks back. You can read it here. Happy Monday FPNYC Faithful! For the most part, NYC was […]
By Chris Troy I like Jack Kirby as much as the next guy, but I really don’t feel the need for New York to be experiencing Kamandi: The Last Boy (available in an omnibus) -like […]
By Loran When the first Transformers movie came out, one figure fans had a lot of complaints about was Blackout. He was a Voyager-class figure, but a rather small one—the smallest one ever at that […]
As we move towards the transition months; out of the climatological frying pan that is mid-August and into the lukewarm buffet tray of the fall, it seems appropriate that today’s comics are about changes. First […]
Hello FP otaku! You may have noticed me missing from my usual haunt upstairs in our super awesome anime loft, and that is because I am currently out on the road, dialing in news about […]
One of the newest books to come into the store is the collected PS Magazine: Best Preventive Maintenance Monthly HC featuringing none other than Mr. Eisner himself! Written and drawn during his time in the […]
This column was going to be a huge review of Craig Thompson’s 2003 graphic novel Blankets…but there’s too many awesome comic books out this week! For those who like titles about real life, beauty, sadness, […]
By Loran I’m not one of those collectors who focuses on old stuff versus new stuff. Far from it, I much prefer to get modernized versions of classic toys/characters, but in general I just go […]
Thursday August 25th VHS Goes To College @ The Nitehawk Cinema Get pepped for the second installation of VHS Vault: VHS Goes To College! Featuring a night full of programming straight from the A.V. Club’s […]
This Thursday, August 18th: DC COMICS
So you read Death Note and you loved the poop out of it. Now you’re thirsty for more and ready to graduate into the big leagues, but reading just some other shonen title isn’t enough […]
You are in luck, my friend, as there are so many AMAZING comic books out this week that you could probably buy one at random and still get somethin’ snazzy! Still, my job as a […]
Come by Forbidden Planet NYC the evening of Tuesday August 30th and be the first in line to get your hands on FLASHPOINT #5 and Justice League #1 when the clock strikes 12:01am Wednesday. But […]
by Chris Troy Well I managed to make it like, 2 weeks without talking about the big, bad bat. That’s impressive, as I think that’s the longest I’ve gone without discussing Batman related-merchandise on this […]
Coming this Thursday to the 92Y Tribeca Screening Room… VHS Trailer Show Part Deux! I hope you guys are not tried of hearing me talk about VHS cause it ain’t stopping anytime soon. Some of […]
By Loran Yes, yes, I’ve been sort of slacking with the Gunpla reviews. But don’t worry, I’ve got a good one this time! Yep, it’s the Geara Zulu, one of the kits I won at […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers