Getting straight to the reviews this time around. Hope you enjoyed FCBD, I’m still salty there was ZERO Carol Danvers in that Guardians book. >:(
Brian Michael Bendis/Stuart Immonen/Wade Von Grawbadger/Marte Gracia
Marvel $3.99
I am pleased.
I’ve been on the verge of dropping All New X-Men as of late. As much as I like Stuart Immonen‘s art, the constant crossover left me burnt out, and Uncanny’s recent hot streak wasn’t doing its sister book any favors. However we’re back to basics with issue 26, and that’s a very good thing for fans of the book named Chris Troy, and probably some others I imagine.
This issue is very light on the action and heavy on the drama. Which may turn some people off, because let’s face it, it wouldn’t be the first talking heads Brian Michael Bendis comic. However, soap opera drama has always been a big part of the X-mythos (seriously where have you’ve been, how did you not know this, tsk tsk ), so seeing adult Scott talk to young Jean while X-23 pines for the absent young Scott works for me, despite being a tad creepy. Please note that Cyclops is like one of my top 3 Marvel characters, so this sort of thing is my jam.
There’s only so many ways I can point out how great Stuart Immonen‘s art is (So great, thanks to Wade Von Grawbadger and Marte Gracia), so I’ll just continue to point out what else I like about this issue. No wait, I lied, I want to talk about how perfect those first few pages are. There’s a nice Double Spread that kicks this issue off, which shows exactly how effective an artist Immonen can be. It’s haunting (the desire effect I imagine), and the use of colors really helps to sell the scene. From there, continuing to praise there’s some really solid use of darkness and light for the next few panels/pages that really help build tension. There’s also an impressive use of white space when it comes to a snow scene later one, which serves as how sometimes less is more with panel composition. Also man, peep that cover, and tell me the way Jean’s “new” powers is not dope.
With a great intro and a solid cliffhanger for an ending, the current story arc for All New X-Men is off to a great start!
Frank Gibson/Becky Dreistadt/Ian McGinty
KaBoom $4.99
DID YOU KNOW: I am a fan of people I like working on characters I like! See any discussion I’ve praising Fraction/Aja on Hawkeye, which is akin to a verbal and or written handjob for proof of this.
So when you take Frank Gibson and Becky Dreistadt of the webcomic Tiny Kitten Teeth , as well as Penny Arcade, and but then on Fionna & Cake, and then make the tiny adorable babies, I will throw money at you. Assuming you are a comics retailer what sell said comic, I don’t earn enough to be throwing money around like that.
Anywho, the 2014 Adventure Time annual is printed horizontally, much like those Marvel-vision annuals of the 2000s. Also quick sidenote, if you’ve never read one of those, make sure it involves Grant Morrison and the X-Men, otherwise you’re wasting your time. The way it’s printed, combinbed with Dreistadt’s beautiful printed art, give the book a Sunday newspaper feel, which is neat. And the story is super cute and super fun, focusing in Baby Fionna and Baby Cake’s first major adventure. The art reminds me a lot of the Paper Mario series of video games, and the writing remains faithful to Fionna and Cake’s established voices. It’s the perfect type of all ages story, and a tremendous example of how great comics as story-telling device can be.
Ian McGinty contribute 6 single page stories to the annual which are a hoot. His art is more in style to Adventure Time “house”-style than Dreistadt’s, and very charming. He’s able to tell a quick story in anywhere from 5 panels, to a more impressive 10 panels on a single page, and the use of supporting characters is some solid fan service for fans.
For $5, AT Annual 2014 is worth every penny. It’s a charming and fun read, and it looks great. Perfect for fans of the show, and people who like great comics.